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Your Story Matters.

Sharing stories about our beloved babies gone too soon helps open the door for greater connection, knowledge, awareness, and education around pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and neonatal loss.

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    Joshua Frank Smedley

    Mar 2, 2013 - Jun 10, 2013
    We deliberated for a year about continuing to grow our family. We had three healthy kids, were super busy but felt this nagging sensation that we weren't done. We prayed about it and decided to leave it in God's hands. Well, He must have been waiting for us because we got pregnant right away. Joshua Frank Smedley was born on March 2, 2013 - a happy, healthy baby boy joining two older brothers and a sister. He was the sweetest baby - a little peanut who went with the flow and loved watching his siblings. He would smile and coo and was the best cuddler. When Josh was 3 months old we got a call every parent dreads - Josh was found not breathing in his crib at daycare. The doctors at the hospital did all they could to save him but he was already gone. That day was absolute horror as we weren't sure we could go on without Josh. Eventually his cause of death was ruled as SIDS - of which he had no risk factors. We were heartbroken (and still are) because there was no real "reason" our perfectly healthy boy was now gone. Over the past 10 years Josh remains ever present in our lives - we talk about him, we see signs of him with butterflies, rainbows, and ladybugs. He lets us know he is with us in special family moments. We also feel Josh has brought us the final member of our family - his little sister (who is now 8). We are so incredibly thankful that we had three wonderful months with our sweet boy. The pain of loss is great but our love is greater. We love you Josh!